Wednesday 27 December 2017

Gympie trading post online

Patch OSMO Brak pytań Polityka gwarancyjna Tak jak w przypadku każdego leczenia, zawsze znajdą się ludzie, których łaty z przykrością nie pomogą. Choć może być z kilku powodów, zdajemy sobie sprawę, że taka sytuacja zawsze będzie rozczarowująca. W związku z tym zebraliśmy nasze Bez pytania zwróciło Gwarancja zwrotu pieniędzy. Jeśli po nałożeniu łatek przez 5 kolejnych nocy rzeczywiście masz wrażenie, że naszywki jeszcze nie zapewniły Ci żadnego rodzaju ulgi lub pomocy od urazu, zaprzestań używania łat i po prostu wyślij do nas e-mail w ciągu 45 dni od złożenia zamówienia aby podjąć swoje pytania Bez zadawania pytań Gwarancja. Następnie dostarczymy Ci numer autoryzacji zwrotu (Return Authorization Number, RA) i szczegóły dotyczące zwrotu. Ta gwarancja jest pełnym zwrotem ceny zakupu, pomniejszonym o oryginalny koszt obsługi wzmacniacza pocztowego. WAŻNE: Miejmy nadzieję, że niniejsza gwarancja nie ma zastosowania do ponownych zamówień lub zamówień większych niż 2 pola po 10 poprawek (tj. Zamówień większych niż 20 poprawek). Ta gwarancja dotyczy tylko zamówień zakupionych bezpośrednio z osmopatch i nie obejmuje zakupów odsprzedawców. Pobierz darmowy raport The Essential Secrets na temat utrzymania silnych stawiaczy amp Odzyskiwanie ze wspólnych obrażeń Ten raport jest bezwzględnie konieczny do przeczytania, jeśli masz jakikolwiek ból stawów lub u każdego, kto cierpi na uszkodzenie stawów. Odkryj proste i naturalne sposoby wzmacniania mięśni i stawów. Poznaj naturalne metody, aby przyspieszyć wspólne odzyskiwanie, w tym krytyczne Dos amp Donts. takie jak: Dlaczego przepychanie się przez ból jest często najgorszą rzeczą, jaką możesz zrobić. W jaki sposób rozpoznanie, czy uraz jest ostry czy przewlekły, może faktycznie pomóc w przyspieszeniu powrotu do zdrowia. Odkrywanie, jak opracować strategię, która pomoże przyspieszyć powrót do zdrowia po prostu poprzez określenie, jakie czynności lub ruchy powodują ból. Ponadto ujawniamy pewne fakty o tajemnicach, które firmy farmaceutyczne nie lubią ci mówić. Po prostu wypełnij poniższe dane, a wkrótce otrzymasz e-mail. Produkty Bank of Queensland wydane przez Bank of Queensland Limited ABN 32 009 656 740 (BOQ) Australijska Licencja Kredytowa nr 244616. Ta informacja służy wyłącznie celom informacyjnym. Opłaty i opłaty są płatne. Pełne zasady i warunki są dostępne w dowolnym oddziale Banku Queensland. Mogą być one zróżnicowane lub nowe warunki zostaną wprowadzone w przyszłości. Treści na tych stronach służą wyłącznie celom informacyjnym i nie stanowią oferty dostarczania produktów i usług przez Bank. Ta strona zawiera ogólne porady. Porada została przygotowana bez uwzględnienia Twoich celów, sytuacji finansowej lub potrzeb. Powinieneś rozważyć stosowność jakiejkolwiek porady zanim podejmiesz odpowiednie działania. Przed podjęciem decyzji o jego nabyciu lub utrzymaniu, należy uzyskać i rozważyć odpowiednie oświadczenie o dostępie do produktu (PDS), zasady i warunki oraz przewodnik po opłatach i opłatach. Kopię tych dokumentów można uzyskać w dowolnym oddziale banku Queens of Queensland lub kontaktując się z nami. Witaj w swoim rozwiązaniu Compounding Pharmacy W swoim rozwiązaniu Compounding Pharmacy jesteśmy entuzjastycznym, oddanym i wszechstronnie wyszkolonym zespołem farmaceutów i techników mieszanych o rozszerzonym doświadczeniu w dziedzinie farmacji. które przez ostatnie 12 lat były poświęcone wyłącznie zaawansowanemu mieszaniu leków i produktów. Liposomal Witamina C 150ml Glycinian magnezu 500 mg 60 kapsułek Roztwór jodu 30ml Online Wellness Sklep Biblioteka artykułów Zapewnienie jakości Kontakt z nami Lokalizacja produktów zainteresowana dietą HCG Nasz program wspomoże Cię konsultacjami, literaturą, śledzącymi wykresami i wieloma innymi. stracić te niechciane kilo w zaledwie 23 dni Szybkie linki Szybkie linki Kontakt z nami Adres: 16 Pine Rivers Office Park, 205 Leitchs Rd. Brendale, Queensland, Australia, 4500 Copyright 2018 Twoje rozwiązanie Skład aptek Godziny otwarcia Poniedziałek piątek: 9-5 Sobota niedziela: Zamknięte Nie ma czasu na wizytę Subskrybuj jeden z naszych usług powiadamiania pocztą e-mail i bądź na bieżąco o firmach na sprzedaż. Aby otrzymywać powiadomienia e-mail o nowych hurtowniach lub usługach produkcyjnych na sprzedaż, wprowadź swoje dane poniżej i wpisz MWS w polu Powiadomienia e-mail. Aby otrzymywać powiadomienia e-mail o nowych urzędach pocztowych Lotto amp Newsagencies na sprzedaż, wprowadź swoje dane poniżej i wpisz LPO w polu Powiadomienia e-mail. Urzędy pocztowe na sprzedaż Przewiń w dół, aby wyświetlić wszystkie oferty lub skorzystaj z poniższych linków, aby przejść bezpośrednio do sekcji. Post OfficeLottoNewsagencies - VIC Post OfficeLottoNewsagencies - NSW Post OfficeLottoNewsagencies - QLD Post OfficeLottoNewsagencies - TAS Post OfficeLottoNewsagencies - SA kliknij tutaj, aby powrócić do strony głównej brokera biznesowego Urzędy pocztowe Lotto Newsagencies - VIC 1 Terminal samodzielny Post Office amp Nieruchomość tylko kilka minut od jazdy od Trafalgar i Warrigal City Sklep i własność: Samodzielny licencjonowany Urząd Pocztowy w pięknym miasteczku, położonym około 140 km na południowy wschód od Melbourne, bez poczty, 5 12 dni roboczych. Pełna uroku i charakteru, sklep jest dobrze wyposażony w jeden komputerowy terminal Australia Post, praktyczny rozkład z dobrą prezentacją produktów i jest oddzielny od domu rodzinnego. Trzy sypialnie do domu wliczone w cenę są jasne przestronne i czyste. Istnieje również pusty blok, który sąsiaduje z nieruchomością, która jest wliczona w cenę. Jest to dobrze ugruntowana firma w malowniczej scenerii. Korzyści lokalizacyjne i wspierające: Droga Down Moe w rejonie Gippsland w stanie Wiktoria, około 140 km na południowy wschód od Melbourne, Thorpdalersquos, bogata czerwona wulkaniczna gleba, produkuje najlepsze ziemniaki, z których mieszkańcy są niezwykle dumni. Pokorny murphy zasiał festiwal ziemniaków, który odbywa się podczas marszu Święta Pracy w marcu. Chociaż historia białych miast sięga lat sześćdziesiątych XIX wieku, miasto, które wita dzisiejszego gościa, przedstawia owoce programu odbudowy społeczności po tym, jak pierwsza wioska została praktycznie zrównana z ziemią podczas pożarów lasów, które spustoszyły Gippsland w 1898 roku. Lokalne atrakcje wymagające kamery przystanek to Trafalgar South Lookout, Narracan Falls i Hendersons Gully. Obszar ten jest bramą do Strzeleckich pasm i oferuje piękne górskie i wiejskie krajobrazy. To tutaj znaleźli najwyższe drzewo świata, gigantyczny Popiół Górski, który wzrósł do 114,3 m (lub 375 stóp w starych pieniądzach). I to nie tylko ziemniaki, które dobrze się tu rozwijają. Ale, są ziemniaki w menu w lokalnych jadłodajniach. Z pewnością są, a miejscowy chleb piekarniczy, chleb ziemniaczany, jest gorącym sprzedawcą. Przychód netto około 45 000 rocznie Kontakt Nino Ruscitti e-mail lub (03) 9885 3088 Ok. 45 minut na północ od Melbourne Duże nowe pomieszczenia całkowicie odnowione. ldquo Post-Tatts - Aktualności amp Intralotrdquo Sklep: Wyposażony w jeden terminal Australia Post Electronic. (Terminal Epos) z zainstalowanymi 321 prywatnymi skrzynkami. Jeden zacisk terminala Tattersallrsquos jeden terminal Intralot. Lukratywny i zajęty Urząd pocztowy z doskonałą gamą produktów. Bardzo popularna lokalizacja w pobliżu wszystkich obiektów o rosnącej populacji. Biznes: Dochód z tej działalności jest bardzo bezpieczny i stale rośnie, idealnie pasuje do męża i żony lub zespołu partnerskiego Post, Tatts, w pełni autoryzowanej agencji prasowej z bardzo małymi dostawami papieru. Parking: Istnieje duży parking wokół kompleksu handlowego. Lokalizacja i korzyści: Położone w kwitnącym miasteczku na obrzeżach północnej Melbourne około 50 km, wspierane przez wiele innych sklepów w mieście i otoczone autostradami, dające łatwy dostęp. To idealna firma rodzinna. Bardzo dobra dzierżawa z opcjami długoterminowymi. Zaleca się przeprowadzenie inspekcji tej firmy. Przychód netto około 160 000 rocznie Kontakt Nino Ruscitti e-mail lub (03) 9885 3088 Willaura LPO amp Aktualności - Freehold i Business 5 12 dni (VIC) ZMNIEJSZONA CENA Bardzo stabilny wzmacniacz Bezpieczna rodzina Firma Sklep: Przestronny jasny i czysty cel zbudowany i wyposażony do Australii Wymagania i specyfikacja Post. Sklep jest duży z miejscem na wprowadzenie innych produktów. Sklep ma bezpośredni dostęp do domu. Nieruchomość i dom: Dobrze zbudowany i utrzymany, z 3 sypialniami i nic do wydania. Dobrze wyposażona kuchnia i jadalnia, jasne i czyste dobre obszary życia. Dom został odnowiony i jest w bardzo dobrym stanie. Jest to duże podwórko z garagecarport i dużą ilością miejsca do przechowywania. Firma: działa od poniedziałku do piątku 7:30 am 5:00 pm, zamknięta sobota i otwiera niedziela 7:30 - 10: 00pm Wyposażony w jeden dobry licznik wielkości z jednym urządzeniem Epos, jednym skanerem i jedną drukarką etykiet. Obecnie istnieje 42 prywatnych skrzynek pocztowych - wszystkie są zajęte. Jest miejsce na zainstalowanie dodatkowych prywatnych skrzynek, jeśli będą potrzebne. Zespół męża i żony może bardzo dobrze obsługiwać tę firmę. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy zapewnia wszystkie normalne usługi pocztowe w Australii, w tym przelew Western Union, paszporty, przedłużenie paszportów, pracę z dziećmi i 100-punktowe sprawdzanie tożsamości oraz zdjęcia, faksy i Usługa kserokopii. Dochody są bardzo konsekwentne i rosną corocznie. To jest poczta post jeden. Lokalizacja wzmacniająca Korzyści: Willaura znajduje się około 231 km na zachód od CBD w Melbourne, 116 km na zachód od Ballarat i 36 km na południe od Ararat. W sercu słynnych zachodnich dzielnic Victoriarsquos uprawy wełny i uprawy zbóż są kluczowe dla finansowego dobrobytu Willaurarsquos. Regionalne równiny wokół Williury na wschód od Grampians - oszałamiająca gama malowniczych gór - są usiane jeziorami i bagnami, które są domem dla wielu ptaków wodnych. Willaura oddalona jest o około 1,5 godziny jazdy od popularnych nadmorskich kurortów, takich jak Portland, Warrnambool i Peterborough. Cena: 399,000 SAV (25 000) Średnie centrum usług wiejskich. Sklep i dom: firma działa w tej lokalizacji od wielu lat i prezentuje się wyjątkowo dobrze. Sklep jest bardzo przestronny, jasny i czysty z dobrze zaopatrzoną powierzchnią handlową. Pomieszczenia zostały specjalnie zaprojektowane do wykorzystania jako operacja po Officeretail i obejmują obszary sortowania poczty, prywatne biuro i dostęp do prywatnych skrzynek. Istnieje również wygodny dom z trzema sypialniami. Biznes: Jeden terminal Licencjonowany Poczta z zainstalowanymi 114 prywatnymi skrzynkami Jest miejsce na zainstalowanie większej liczby skrzynek. Ta wyjątkowa firma znajduje się w ruchliwej, widocznej pozycji z łatwym dostępem do klienta. Dostarczone usługi: Oprócz zwykłych australijskich usług pocztowych, ten urząd pocztowy zapewnia również sub-agencję czekoladek Darrell Lea i Photo Express photo Kiosk (zdolny do robienia zdjęć i produktów podarunkowych, takich jak koszulki, kalendarze, kubki do kawy itp.). zostały zatwierdzone przez Australia Post. Parking: Duży parking na tyłach sklepu Lokalizacja i dodatkowe korzyści: Położony w odległości 80 km od Wagga i Albury, gospodarka Hentys jest napędzana przez silne uprawy zbóż i owiec na całym obszarze. Z populacją około 1700, Henty jest doskonałym miejscem do życia i przyjaznej społeczności. Skontaktuj się z Nino Ruscitti email lub (03) 9885 3088 Bombala Licensed Post Office 2 Terminale 5 dni PW (NSW) CENA ZMNIEJSZONA W połowie drogi między górami a południowym wybrzeżem Nowej Południowej Walii tylko jedna godzina od śniegu i Merimbula. Sklep: założona firma dostosowana do wymogów i specyfikacji Australia Post. Sklep jest duży z miejscem na wprowadzenie innych produktów. Nieruchomość: budynek jest solidny i dobrze zbudowany w doskonałym stanie Z tyłu sklepu znajduje się wygodne miejsce do pracy plus dobra stołówka i mnóstwo schowków, a także mnóstwo miejsc parkingowych na tyłach budynku. Biznes: Otwarty od poniedziałku do piątku 9:00 17:00 Wyposażony w jeden dobry licznik wielkości z dwoma maszynami Epos, dwoma skanerami kreskowymi, dwoma drukarkami etykiet i dwiema szufladami na banknoty. Obecnie jest 309 prywatnych skrzynek pocztowych zainstalowanych głównie zajęte. Jest miejsce na zainstalowanie dodatkowych prywatnych skrzynek, jeśli będą potrzebne. Ten sklep ma silną i lojalną lokalną bazę klientów. Przychody z prowizji przekraczają 130 000 rocznie. Idealna praca zespołu Mąż i żona. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy zapewnia wszystkie normalne usługi pocztowe w Australii, w tym. Nowe i odnawiane paszporty, przekazy pieniężne Western Union, bankowość CBA, NAB ANZ i Westpac oraz większość innych instytucji finansowych itp. Istnieją również dwie umowy pocztowe, które mogą być przekazywane z zastrzeżeniem dochodu brutto w Australii, przekraczającego 80 000. rocznie. Dochody są bardzo konsekwentne i rosną corocznie. Korzyści wzmacniające lokalizację: Bombala jest największym miastem we wschodnim regionie Monaro, liczącym około 4000 mieszkańców. Historyczne miasto z wieloma ciekawymi budynkami, Bombala jest sercem LdquoPlatypus Countryrdquo, z których wiele można zobaczyć na lokalnych drogach wodnych. Atrakcje obejmują: Park Narodowy Platypus, Park Narodowy South East Forests, Rezerwat Endeavour, Muzeum Kolejnictwa i Lawendowy Dom. Ta licencjonowana poczta znajduje się w ruchliwym pasie handlowym, w którym znajduje się dobra mieszanka sklepów, w tym kiosk z gazetami, apteka, supermarket, sklep mięsny i wiele innych. Zysk netto w przybliżeniu: Poczta 160 000 rocznie. Biznes: 260 000 SAV (15 000) i Freehold: 230 000 (sklep) Całkowita cena: 490 000 SAV Wagga Wagga 3 Terminale 5 12 dni PW (NSW) Cena do sprzedaży Znajduje się na Wagga Wagga NSW z rosnącą populacją. Sklep: Przestronny, jasny i czysty produkt zbudowany i dostosowany do wymogów i specyfikacji Australia Post. Istnieje bardzo bezpieczna dzierżawa. Sklep jest duży z miejscem na wprowadzenie innych produktów. Z tyłu sklepu jest dużo miejsca do przechowywania, biura i innych obiektów. Ten sklep ma silną i lojalną lokalną bazę klientów. Firma: od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 8: 00-17: 30 i w soboty w godzinach 9: 00-12: 00. Wyposażony w jeden dobry licznik wielkości z trzema maszynami Epos, trzema skanerami i dwiema drukarkami etykiet. Obecnie zainstalowanych jest ponad 400 prywatnych skrzynek pocztowych. Jest miejsce na zainstalowanie dodatkowych prywatnych skrzynek, jeśli będą one wymagane. Istnieje również wiele okazji do poszerzenia bazy klientów. Zespół męża i żony oraz jeden uczestnik w niepełnym wymiarze godzin mogą prowadzić tę działalność bardzo wygodnie. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy zapewnia wszystkie normalne usługi pocztowe w Australii, w tym. Transfer pieniędzy Western Union, paszporty, odnowienie paszportów, praca z dziećmi i czek na 100 punktów dowodu osobistego oraz zdjęcia. Usługi faksowe. Usługa kserograficzna. Dochody są bardzo konsekwentne i rosną corocznie. To jest poczta post jeden. Korzyści wzmacniające lokalizację: Umieszczone w centrum Wagga. Na południowy zachód od Nowej Południowej Walii, Wagga Wagga jest największym śródlądowym miastem w Nowej Południowej Walii. 480 km od Sydney, ok. 460 km od Melbourne i ok. 320 km od Canberry, z rosnącą liczbą ludności 61 000. Licencjonowany Urząd Pocztowy znajduje się w ruchliwym centrum handlowym w mieście, które obsługuje lokalną i lokalną społeczność. W centrum znajduje się dobra mieszanka sklepów detalicznych, w tym kiosk, apteka, supermarket, sklep mięsny i wiele innych sklepów. Klienci są wyjątkowo lojalni, a atmosfera panująca w wiosce jest dominująca. Oceniany jako jeden z najlepiej działających LPO w Riverinie. Zysk netto około 180 000 rocznie Stand Alone LPO, 1 terminal, 5 dni PW Freehold amp Business (NSW) Południowo-zachodnie stoki Nowej Południowej Walii Tylko 1 godzina od Canberra Nieruchomość: Założony i wspaniale utrzymany dom z trzema sypialniami, dobrze wyposażony w wysokiej jakości instalacje i wyposażenie, wszystkie pokoje są przestronne i mają ogrzewanie gazowe. Istnieją ogromne salony i rozrywki. Istnieje wiele magazynów i budynków gospodarczych. Powierzchnia wynosi około 1835 m kw. Poczta: Założona w 1874 roku i w obecnej lokalizacji od 1897 roku, dostosowana do wymagań i specyfikacji Australia Post. Sklep jest duży z miejscem na wprowadzenie innych produktów i ma silną i lojalną lokalną bazę klientów. The Business: Otwarty od poniedziałku do piątku 9:00 am5:00pm. Wyposażony w jeden dobry licznik wielkości z jednym urządzeniem Epos, jednym skanerem i jedną drukarką etykiet. Obecnie jest zainstalowanych 152 prywatne skrzynki pocztowe, najczęściej zajęte. Jest miejsce na zainstalowanie dodatkowych prywatnych skrzynek, jeśli będą one wymagane. Przychody z tytułu prowizji od sklepów wynoszą ponad 55 000 rocznie. Przychody z tytułu prowizji od umowy pocztowej wynoszą ponad 80 000 rocznie. Całkowita prowizja 135 000. Idealny dla zespołu męża i żony. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy zapewnia wszystkie zwykłe usługi Australia Post, usługi dostarczania poczty, w tym przelewy Western Union itp. Dochód jest bardzo spójny i zwiększa się corocznie. Korzyści wzmacniające lokalizację: Zaledwie półtorej godziny drogi od Canberra jest miastem rolniczym na południowo-zachodnich zboczach Nowej Południowej Walii. Znajduje się w dolinie 243 km na zachód od Sydney i 487m nad poziomem morza. Blisko Yass i jest tylko 120 km od Canberra - idealna na jednodniową wycieczkę. Ci, którzy szukają spokojnej ucieczki, mogą zostać na kilka nocy w wielu dobrych domach noclegowych. Istnieje wiele sklepów i galerii antyków, galerii sztuki, rzemiosła, pamiątek, odzieży, żywności dla smakoszy, słodyczy, przedszkoli, zabawek i przedmiotów kolekcjonerskich. Rzemiosła i zabawki są również dostępne na poczcie. Miasto jest czyste i kolorowe, a także wiele zabytkowych i ciekawych budynków. To miasto jest pełne historii. Zysk netto około 130 000 rocznie. Biznes: 185 000 SAV (15 000) i Freehold: 560 000 (sklep i strona domowa) Łączna cena: 745 000 osób Poczta SAV, 3 terminale (NSW) ZGODNIONA SPRZEDAŻ Bardzo popularna miejscowość nadmorska i destynacja turystyczna Poczta: Handel jej obecną lokalizacją w ciągu ostatnich 18 lat lat dostosowane do wymogów i specyfikacji australijskiego Poczty. Sklep jest duży z miejscem na wprowadzenie innych produktów. Ten sklep ma silną i lojalną lokalną bazę klientów. The Business: Otwarty od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 9: 00-17: 00 i w soboty od 9: 00-12: 00. Wyposażony w jeden dobry licznik wielkości z trzema maszynami Epos, trzema skanerami barowymi, trzema drukarkami etykiet, trzema szufladami na banknoty i jedną australijską kamerą pocztową . Obecnie zainstalowanych jest 466 prywatnych skrzynek pocztowych. Jest miejsce na zainstalowanie dodatkowych prywatnych skrzynek, jeśli będą potrzebne. Idealny dla zespołu męża i żony. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy zapewnia wszystkie normalne usługi pocztowe w Australii, w tym nowe paszporty, odnowienie portów przejściowych. Praca z dziećmi i 100 punktów identyfikacyjnych - czek i zdjęcia, usługi faksu i usługi kserograficzne. Przelew Western Union itp. Jest to jeden przystanek na poczcie. Dochody są bardzo konsekwentne i rosną corocznie. Korzyści wzmacniające lokalizację: nadmorskie miasto w regionie Mid North Coast w Nowej Południowej Walii, w LGA Rady Wielkich Jezior, około 308 km na północny-wschód od Sydney i 166 km na północny-wschód od Newcastle. jego bliskość do Sydney, nieco poniżej 4 godzin jazdy, to miasto stało się popularnym celem wakacyjnym w cieplejszych miesiącach, gdy populacja znacznie się zwiększyła. Wakacje szkolne w chłodniejszych miesiącach przynoszą również znaczną liczbę wczasowiczów. Jest to przede wszystkim miejsce wypoczynku rodzinnego z dużymi jeziorami i piaszczystymi plażami. Godne uwagi atrakcje w pobliżu to Bicentennial Trail, Cape Hawke i Booti National Park. Obszar miejski to zewnętrzny plac zabaw. Wyprawy w rejsach wielorybów i delfinów, łowienie ryb, żeglarstwo i nurkowanie to tylko niektóre z działań, które przyciągają dużą liczbę turystów. Plaże wokół tego miasta są wspaniałe, zaczynając od głównej plaży, która jest chronioną plażą, dzięki czemu jest idealna dla rodzin. Niewiele jest miejsc w państwie, które oferują tak wspaniały wybór wędkarstwa - głębinowego, jeziora, skały, rzeki lub plaży. Przychód netto około 200 000 rocznie Cena: 679 000 ONO SAV (40 000) Rozkoszne miasto. Około. 20 minut jazdy samochodem od Canberra ok. 7,7 km, 8-10 minut. przejedź z lotniska Gold Coast. Sąsiaduje z Oceanem Spokojnym i tylko 70 km od Brisbane. Sklep: Odnowiony do standardów Australia Post 5 lat temu. Powierzchnia handlowa jest przestronna, jasna i czysta, obecnie zainstalowano 195 skrzynek pocztowych i zamontowano nowy system bezpieczeństwa. Istnieje dobra dzierżawa na miejscu, 5 lat plus jedna dodatkowa opcja każdego z 5 lat. Sklep jest duży i ma dużo miejsca na wprowadzenie wielu innych produktów. Jest łatwy i obfity parking oraz przyjaźni i bardzo lojalni klienci. Biznes: działa 5 dni w tygodniu, w sklepie z zamkami. Urząd pocztowy wyświetla większość produktów Australia Post i szeroką mieszankę innych produktów. Sklep jest w dobrym stanie wśród wielu innych firm, w tym supermarketów IGA, restauracji domów wakacyjnych, klubów hotelowych i wielu innych usług i atrakcji. Poczta wyposażona jest w jeden (1) terminal Epos, jeden (1) drukarkę etykiet Jeden (1) skaner kodów kreskowych. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy zapewnia wszystkie normalne usługi pocztowe w Australii, w tym. Przelew Western Union itp. Dochód jest bardzo spójny i wzrasta corocznie. Korzyści wzmacniające lokalizację: Poczta licencjonowana Woorim znajduje się w Woorim, około 70 km na północ od CBD w Brisbane, i jest częścią północnego przedmieścia Greater Brisbane. Ta firma jest uważana za małą firmę na szybko rozwijającym się i silnym przedmieściu Brisbane, o populacji od 20 000 do 24 000 i wciąż rosnącą. Zysk netto około 61 000 rocznie. Skontaktuj się z Nino Ruscitti e-mailem lub (03) 9885 3088 2-osobowa operacja, 5 12-dniowe PW (QLD) - Dostawcy przeniesieni Interstate MUSZĄ SPRZEDAŻY Położenie nad morzem, Ok. 26 kilometrów na wschód od Brisbane CBD. Sklep: Dopasowany do wymagań Australia Post. Sklep jest dobrze zaopatrzony w dobre, czyste i nadające się do sprzedaży produkty. W tylnej części sklepu znajdują się urządzenia do sortowania i przechowywania poczty. Biznes: Wyposażony w jeden licznik, (2) terminale Australia Post Epos, (2) Skanery kodów kreskowych, (2) Drukarki etykiet i (1) Elektroniczne pobieranie gotówki. Ten LPO został zatwierdzony przez Australia Post, aby zainstalować 585 prywatnych skrzynek. Obecnie zainstalowanych jest 464 skrzynek, w większości zajmowanych, w magazynie znajduje się kolejne 120 POB. Główny strumień dochodów firmy generowany jest z urzędu pocztowego i stacjonarnego. Jest dużo miejsca na wprowadzenie większej ilości produktów. Ten biznes może być obsługiwany przez dwie osoby. Idealny dla zespołu męża i żony. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy zapewnia wszystkie normalne usługi poczty australijskiej, z wyjątkiem nowych paszportów i odnowienia paszportów. Lokalizacja i korzyści wspierające: Ta firma znajduje się w widocznym miejscu w ruchliwym centrum handlowym, z doskonałą ekspozycją dla pieszych i klientów parkujących na parkingu centrum handlowego. To Centrum Handlowe jest głównym centrum handlowym dla mieszkańców i turystów, którzy mają sklepy spożywcze, fryzjerzy, punkty gastronomiczne, obiekty bankowe i wiele innych sklepów i usług, w tym IGA Super market, zapewniających codziennie duże ilości klientów odwiedzających centrum. Przyjemne przedmieście, tylko kilka minut jazdy do CBD i tylko kilka kilometrów od znanych obszarów turystycznych. Poszukując zmiany na morzu, zdecydowanie zaleca się sprawdzenie tej działalności. Przychód netto około 151 000 rocznie Cena: 520 000 SAV (40 000) Skontaktuj się z Nino Ruscitti e-mailem lub (03) 9885 3088 Ok. 19 km na północ od Brisbane CBD Sklep: Obecnie trwa 12-letnia dzierżawa. Dopasowany do wymagań Australia Post. Sklep jest dobrze zaopatrzony w dobre, czyste i nadające się do sprzedaży produkty. W tylnej części sklepu znajdują się urządzenia do sortowania i przechowywania poczty. Biznes: Otwarty od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 8:30 - 17:00 w soboty 8:30 rano 11:30. Wyposażony w jeden licznik, (2) terminale Australia Post Epos, (2) Skanery kodów kreskowych, (2) Drukarki etykiet i (1) Australia Post Camera. Obecnie jest 183 zainstalowane głównie pudełka okupowane. Główny strumień dochodów firmy generowany jest z poczty, szerokiej gamy artykułów upominkowych i stacjonarnych. Jest dużo miejsca na wprowadzenie większej ilości produktów. Ta firma może być obsługiwana przez 1 etat i 1 etat, ale 1 pełno etatowy może obsługiwać firmę przez większość czasu. Idealny dla zespołu męża i żony. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy zapewnia wszystkie normalne usługi poczty australijskiej, w tym usługi bankowe dla CBA, NAB, ANZ i Westpac oraz większość innych instytucji finansowych. Nowe odnowienie paszportspassport nie jest dostępne. Lokalizacja i dodatkowe korzyści: północne przedmieścia Brisbane City. Przedmieścia zamieszkuje ponad 9 000 osób. Firma mieści się w kompleksie sklepów z centrum medycznym, apteką, patologią, sklepem ogólnym, fryzjerem i kwiaciarnią. Istnieje 5 parków obejmujących prawie 14 obszarów podmiejskich. W pobliżu znajdują się trzy szkoły podstawowe - Brighton State School, Nashville State School i St Kierans Primary School. Posiadanie wspaniałego lasu leśnego chronionego przez lokalny rząd. Ziemia jest tak zwana, gdy napełnia się wodą podczas ulewnego deszczu, który wpada do małego pływowego strumienia. Istnieją różne kluby sportowe, w tym miski, piłka nożna, piłka nożna, żeglarstwo i rybołówstwo. Brighton to pożądane przedmieścia Brisbane ze względu na łatwość transportu publicznego, jak na przykład pociąg z pobliskiej Sandgate, a także esplanada przy zatoce. Esplanada jest używana przez spacerowiczów, rowerzystów i rodziny. Plaża w Brighton jest używana przez kitesurferów, a także spacerowiczów podczas odpływu. Przychód netto około 92 000 rocznie ORAZ TERAZ. 270 000 SAV (30 000) Kontakt z Nino Ruscitti e-mailem lub (03) 9885 3088 Sunshine Coast, operacja 2-osobowa (QLD) Ok. 20 minut od plaż Sunshine Coast. Sklep: Ta firma znajduje się w sklepie z zamkiem w centrum handlowym z wieloma innymi dużymi sklepami. Poczta wyświetla większość produktów Australia Post i szeroką mieszankę innych produktów. Sklep jest w doskonałym stanie, a niedawno zakończono kompletny remont nowego sklepu. Biznes: Otwarty od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 9: 00-17: 00 i 9: 00-11: 00 w soboty rano. Wyposażony w jeden licznik Poczta wyposażona jest w (3) terminal Epos i (3) skaner kodów kreskowych, (2) drukarki etykiet i (1) australijską kamerę pocztową. Obecnie jest zainstalowanych 674 skrzynek najczęściej zajmowanych. Jest dużo miejsca na wprowadzenie większej liczby prywatnych pudeł i produktów. Ta firma może być obsługiwana bardzo wygodnie przez maksymalnie 2 osoby. Idealny rodzinny biznes. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy zapewnia wszystkie normalne usługi pocztowe w Australii, w tym Western Union Money Transfer, Praca z dziećmi, 100-punktowe identyfikatory - czeki i zdjęcia, usługi faksowe i usługi kserograficzne. Inne linie produktów sprzedawane na LPO to: Gibsony, energiczne książki, hurtownie GNS, ekscentryczne prezenty, Bartel, powitania w słońcu, karty do gry, Akcent Dcor, Will Store, Penline i Natures Image. Urząd pocztowy nie zapewnia nowych paszportów, przedłużania paszportów. Lokalizacja: piękne miasto położone w głębi lądu w regionie Sunshine Coast w stanie Queensland. Znajduje się na północ od Glass House Mountains, około 80 km na północ od Brisbane. Rząd stanowy określił to przedmieście jako główne centrum aktywności dla osób, które chcą mieszkać na Sunshine Coast i chętnie dojeżdżają do pracy w Brisbane. Na przedmieściach mieszka około 6000 osób, w skład których wchodzi wielki zespół techników, handlowców, robotników, pracowników administracji i rolników. Australia Zoo znajduje się na przedmieściach, które wielokrotnie nosiły nazwę Australias. W pobliżu znajduje się kolejna atrakcja turystyczna - pasmo górskie Glass House. Tylko 20 minut od plaż Sunshine Coast. Ta dzielnica ma 3 szkoły: i Glasshouse Country Christian College. To przedmieście jest rozwijającym się miastem w głębi lądu. Połączenia komunikacyjne z Brisbane i kierunkami północnymi na dworcu kolejowym Nambour i Gympie North. Utworzenie sklepu ALDI zwiększyło liczbę klientów na przedmieściach, a obecnie w budowie znajduje się wiele pododdziałów. Przychód netto około 285 000 rocznie W Piccones Shopping Village, Manoora, Cairns Wielka rzadka okazja do zakupu jednego z najlepszych LPO w Australii. Poczta: handel w swojej obecnej lokalizacji przez ostatnie dwa lata, wyposażony w najnowocześniejsze osprzęt i wyposażenie od drzwi wejściowych do obszaru sortowania prywatnych skrzynek oraz wymagania i specyfikację Australia Post. Sklep jest duży z miejscem na wprowadzenie innych produktów. Ten sklep ma silną i lojalną lokalną bazę klientów. Wyjątkowa dzierżawa: 18 lat pozostało bez opinii na rynku, tylko 3 wzrosty rocznie. Biznes: Otwarty od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 9: 00-17: 00. Wyposażony w jeden dobry licznik wielkości z trzema maszynami Epos, trzema skanerami i trzema drukarkami etykiet. Obecnie zainstalowanych jest 1 264 prywatnych skrzynek pocztowych z 960 miejscami. Gdy wszystkie skrzynki zostaną wynajęte, dochód wzrośnie o co najmniej 25 000 rocznie. Idealny dla zespołu męża i żony lub firmy rodzinnej. Dostarczone usługi: Ten licencjonowany urząd pocztowy obsługuje większość usług pocztowych w Australii, w tym Western Union Money Transfer, kartki okolicznościowe, usługi faksu i usługi kserograficzne. Dochody są bardzo konsekwentne i rosną corocznie. Możliwości: Przedstawienie dodatkowych produktów dotyczy australijskiej poczty w celu uzyskania nowej usługi paszportowej. Pracując z dziećmi, promuj weryfikacje 100 punktów i zdjęcia. Otwarte sobotnie poranki i przedłużanie godzin handlu. Lokalizacja wzmacniająca Korzyści: Edge Hill to zielone przedmieścia położone na przedmieściach i jedno z najstarszych i najpopularniejszych przedmieść Cairns. Pięknie odrestaurowane domy Federacji i przedwojennej ery wyznaczają ulice, osadzone w dobrze utrzymanych ogrodach. Na przedmieściach znajdują się eleganckie restauracje, delikatesy i butiki. Pease Street, gdzie znajduje się poczta, zawiera centrum handlowe w Manoora, w tym centrum handlowe, tawernę i franczyzę fast food. Zysk netto około 255,000 rocznie Kontakt Nino Ruskitti e-mail lub (03) 9885 3088 Northpoint Shopping Center, Toowoomba, na zachód od Brisbane. Znajduje się około 4 km na północ od Toowoomba CBD. Poczta: Założona ponad 30 lat temu. Sklep jest nowy, bardzo przestronny, jasny i czysty. Najnowszy stan wyposażenia został ukończony 9 miesięcy temu w australijskim zakładzie pocztowym, kiedy poczta została przeniesiona do nowego centrum handlowego. Umowa dzierżawy: Na okres 10 lat istnieje dobra umowa dzierżawy z Centrum Handlowym z podwyżkami do CPI. The Business: Otwarty od poniedziałku do piątku 9:00 am5:00pm. Wyposażony w jeden dobry licznik wielkości z (2) Epos Machines, (2) Bar Scanners i (1) Label Printer. Obecnie zainstalowanych jest 500 prywatnych skrzynek pocztowych. Około 400 dodatkowych skrzyń zostało zainstalowanych, gdy poczta przenosi się do centrum handlowego Northpoint, z czego 170 jest już zajętych. When all boxes are let the income will increase by a minimum of 26,000 per annum. Perfect for a husband and wife team or for a family business. Services Provided: Other products sold, apart from normal Post Office merchandise, are cards, books and phones. Opportunities: Potential areas for improving the business would include more retail products for sale, apply to Australia Post for new Passport service, Working with Children, and promote 100 point ID checks and photos. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Northpoint Shopping Centre where the Northpoint LPO is located, is a suburb of Toowoomba, and is located 4 kilometres north of the city centre. Toowoomba is a city in the Darling Downs region of Queensland. It is located 125 km west of Brisbane by road. Toowoomba is the business hub of the rich Queensland farming communities e. g. Roma, Dalby amp Goondiwindi. It has an estimated district population of 157,000. It is also a major education centre. The climate is a subtropical highland climate with warm summers and mild winters and it enjoys four distinct seasons. This suburb has a history as an industrial centre. Apart from quarries, the suburb is home to the Willowburn railway marshalling yard. It is also home to the Toowoomba Cricket Club and the Toowoomba Bears rugby union club, as well as the Willowburn Sports Club (soccer). There are also 3 golf courses and great restaurants. Net income approximately 150,000 per annum Price NOW: 375,000 SAV (30,000) Unique Business only 21kms from Brisbane and 62 kms from the Gold Coast. The Shop: Well-established and very spacious, bright and clean, with one good size counter. It is within a shopping strip with Subwayrsquos, a Computer Shop and Restaurants nearby. There is a Security System fitted and Wheelchair Access to the Post Office. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 8:30am-5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-12:00 Noon. Equipped with one good size counter, with three (3) Epos machines, three (3) bar scanners, three (3) label printers and one Australia Post camera. Currently there are 409 private boxes installed, mostly occupied. Australia Post has also indicated that they will be merging the local delivery centre with another centre close-by and that this Post Office will inherit approximately another 300 private boxes. This will increase the income by a minimum of 24,000. Perfect for a husband and wife team or for a family business. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office is privileged to process Passport and most Australia Post Services including Western Union Money Transfer, banking for CBA, NAB ANZ and Westpac plus most other finance institutions. Facsimile and Photocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: This is a suburb of Logan City, Queensland. It is 21 kms from Brisbane GPO and 62 kms from Gold Coast. Much of the suburbs eastern edge is aligned with the Pacific Motorway. At the 2017 Australian Census the suburb recorded a population of 10,435. In September 2006 Queenslandrsquos only IKEA store moved from its original home in the nearby suburb of Rochedale South to its new location close to the Post Office. IKEA Logan is now the largest IKEA store in the southern hemisphere and the third largest in the world. Mabel Park State School is located on Borman Street, adjacent to the Mabel Park Junior Campus. A great suburb with very friendly, down to earth people. The area has a number of parks, playgrounds and great walking tracks. The suburb has direct access to the CBD or Gold Coast within a 25 minute drive. Net income approximately 215,000 per annum Nestled in the picturesque Bremer Valley The Shop: Is very spacious, bright and clean, with one good size counter. The Post Office was refurbished to Australia Post Standards in 2009 and no further updates have been requested. It is a busy shop with about 260 customers per day. The Post Office has 13 Account customers. The Post Office is a very secure, monopoly type business and the working conditions are pleasant. The majority of stock sold at the LPO is from Australia Post. The owners find the Australia Post promotions catalogue, which is distributed throughout their coverage area, to be most successful and the best free advertising tool. There could be the potential to increase non Australia Post stock into the Post Office, particularly around technology items and gift lines. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm. Equipped with one good size counter with three (3) Epos machines, three (3) bar scanners, two (2) label printers and (3) Electric drawers. Currently there are 369 private boxes installed with 87 occupied. Perfect for a husband and wife team or for a family business. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office is privileged to process Passport and most Australia Post Services including Western Union Money Transfer, Facsimile and Photocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: A rural town on the Toowoomba railway line, it is nestled in the picturesque Bremer Valley between the Cunningham and Warrego Highways, on the Cobb amp Co tourist drive. 75 kms west of Brisbane in the western growth corridor, 20kms west of Ipswich and 10 kms from the Amberley Air Base, it has a population of 3,500. The township has a good range of facilities besides its rural townscape: local shops, 3 hotels, State High and primary schools, a Catholic primary school, a showground, bowling, golf and swimming venues and an aged persons centre. There is a Catholic church, Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran amp Uniting churches. There is a community centre, a farmers hall and a CWA hall. Net income approximately 180,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Standalone LPO-5days PW 2.5 hours Saturday, 3 Terminals (QLD) Frenchville is some 600 kms north of Brisbane and approximately 50 kms from the coastal town of Yeppoon. The Shop: Is very spacious, bright and clean, with one good size counter. The Post Office is a very secure, monopoly type business and the working conditions are pleasant. There is a Security System fitted and wheelchair access. The last refurbishment of the Post Office to Australia Post Standards was 12 years ago and no further updates have been requested. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 8:30am-5:00pm and Saturday morning 8:30am-11:00am. Equipped with one good size counter, with three (3) Epos machines, three (3) bar scanners and three (3) label printers. Currently there are 477 private boxes installed, all occupied. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services including Western Union Money Transfer. Product lines sold at the Post Office, other than normal Post Office merchandise, include various gift lines, greeting cards, handmade soaps, local pottery and books. Banking for CBA, NAB ANZ and Westpac plus most other finance institutions is also available. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Frenchville is a suburb of Rockhampton in Queensland. Situated at the base of the Berserker Range about seven kilometres to the north of the Fitzroy River. It is sited on the Tropic of Capricorn Beef Capital of Australia. Grazing is still a dominant industry in Central Queensland. Frenchville is the business centre for Central Queensland Mines. The area was completely rural in character until the late 1960s, with small holdings and dairy farms predominating. In the late 1960s suburban development rapidly took place and the small school rapidly grew to an enrolment of well over 1,000 in the late 1970s. The area experiences over 300 days of sunshine each year, which lends itself to tourism activities all year round and an abundance of outdoor activities. The Capricorn Coast is a 30 minute drive from Rockhampton, with the islands of the Keppel group easily accessible from there. There are three major shopping centres and strip shopping centres next door to the Post Office and 300m away. The population for the district is approximately 200,000. Net income approximately 212,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Standalone LPO-5 days amp 2 hours on Saturdays, 4 Terminals (QLD)- Vendors Have Reduced Price for Quick Sale The capital of the Darling Downs, 125 km west of Brisbane by road, Toowoomba is situated on the crest of the Great Dividing Range. The Shop: The Post Office is part of a newly (August 2018) developed precinct within a major Shopping Centre. Shops within the complex include Coles, Woolworths, Medical Centre, Banks, TAB, a major Hotel amp Liquor Store, as well as other retail and services stores. The Post Office is a brand new shop fitted with all new Australia Post furniture and equipment. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm and Saturday morning 9:00am-11:00am. Equipped with one good size counter, with four (4) Epos machines, four (4) bar scanners and three (3) label printers. Currently there are 887 private boxes installed with approximately 66 occupied. There are 301 private boxes vacant. When all the private boxes are let, the total income from these boxes would be approximately 71,000 per annum (G. S.T. free). Services Provided: Product lines sold at the Post Office, other than normal Post Office merchandise, include greeting cards Biscay, G. N.S.-post pack amp stationery lines, Korjo travel products, various gift lines as seasonally required (e. g. Mothers Day, Christmas, Easter, etc.) The Location amp Supporting Benefits: A suburb of Toowoomba in Toowoomba Region, Queensland, located 5 kilometres west of the central business district, Toowoomba is situated on the crest of the Great Dividing Range. The estimated urban population of Toowoomba as at June 2017 was 113,625 with a regional population of over 160,000. Toowoomba has a warm temperate climate with warm summers and cold winters. Toowoomba is a major education centre. A university and cathedral city, Toowoomba hosts the Australian Carnival of Flowers each September and national championship events for the sports of mountain biking and motocross. The rich volcanic soil in the region helps maintain the 150 public parks and gardens that are scattered across the city. It has developed into a regional centre for business and government services. It is the sixteenth-largest city in Australia, the sixth largest in Queensland, after Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Townsville and Cairns. Toowoomba is the most populous inland city in the country after the national capital, Canberra. Net income approximately 210,000 per annum Price NOW: 650,000 SAV (70,000) Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Sunshine Coast LPO - 5 12 days operation (QLD) Rare Opportunity to Purchase this Unique Business Only 1 hours drive from Brisbane airport. The Shop: A large shop, bright, clean and spacious with a practical layout well stocked with Australia Post products, Stationery, Greeting Cards, Gifts and much more. Rear of shop has plenty of storage, kitchenette, office and room for mail sorting. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 8:30am-5:30pm and Saturday 9:00am11:45am. Equipped with one good sized counter with three (3) Epos machines, three (3) bar scanners, three(3) label printers, one (1) Australia Post Camera. Currently there are 1,320 private boxes installed with over 85 occupied. Perfect for a husband and wife team or for a family business. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office is privileged to process most Australia Post Services including Western Union Money Transfer, Facsimile Services, Laminating and Photocopy Services. Banking for CBA, NAB ANZ and Westpac plus most other finance institutions The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: This suburb is a neighbourhood within the suburb of Maroochydore in the Sunshine Coast Region of Queensland only a 10 minute drive from the Sunshine Coast Airport and a 1 hour drive from Brisbane Airport. Located right next door to trendy, bustling Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast, this suburb is fringed by the sandy banks of the Maroochy River to the north and the white silica beaches of the blue Pacific Ocean to the west. A large part of this suburb is used for camping. It is a beautiful holiday destination for tourists, locals and overseas visitors, climate wise. Surrounded by 2 caravan parks, high rises and more high rises currently being built, Cotton Tree is a growth area with locals, retirees, business customers and tourists all year around. Points of Interest: The suburb consists of a beach, a river mouth, several restaurants and cafes, lawn bowls club, RSL club, surf club, Swanrsquos rugby club, library, child care centre, resorts, homes, units, Weirrsquos surf shop, 2 caravan parks, 2 Rugby Union fields, 6 tennis courts, 3 bowling greens, 50m swimming pool, 2 basketball courts, 2 ping pong tables and 2 waterfront parks, 1 on the river and 1 on the beach. Net income approximately 320,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Post Office 2 Terminals 2 person operation (QLD) Approx. 10 km West of Brisbane. The Shop: A lock-up shop within a shopping area with various other major supporting shops. There is a most generous lease in place with 6 years to go plus 2 further options of 7 years making a total of 20 years with increase to CPI. The Post Office displays most Australia Post products and a vast mix of other products. The shop is in excellent condition, with a complete new shop refurbishment completed recently with ample parking on site. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm. There is one counter and the Post Office is equipped with (2) Epos terminal, (2) Barcode Scanner and (2) Label Printers. There are currently 416 boxes installed all occupied with lots of room to install additional 400 boxes. This business can be operated very comfortably by 2 people maximum. Ideal for a husband and wife team. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services including Western Union Money Transfer, Dry Cleaning, Photographs, Greeting Cards, Facsimile Services and Photocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location . Located in new premises on a busy strip shopping precinct, in the popular Western Suburbs being an affluent Suburb with a good mix of beautiful homes popular with professionals. There are many small and medium sized businesses as well as home operated businesses surrounding. Nearby are excellent schools, shopping and transport close by, as well as constant passing traffic, this suburb is one of Brisbanes most desirable residential locations. Net income approximately 200,000 per annum Price NOW: 645,000 SAV (30,000) Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 One Person operation with One Permanent Part Time Casual of 15-20hrs per week. The Shop . A lock-up shop within a shopping area with various other major supporting shops. A fit-out was completed in JulyAugust 2018 to Australia Post requirements. Internally the building has been totally revamped and is now modernised including repainting the building internally amp externally, new carpets and air conditioning. There is now ample parking. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm and Saturday mornings 8:00am 11:00am. There is one counter and the Post Office is equipped with (2) Epos terminal, (2) Barcode Scanner and (2) Label Printers. There are currently 488 private boxes installed with only 36 are yet to be occupied. This business can be operated very comfortably by one person working full time and a second person working from 1:30pm to 5:30pm during the week. One person can comfortably operate the business on Saturday morning. Ideal for a Husband amp Wife Family Business. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides most Australia Post Services including Western Union Money Transfer. Product lines sold at the Post Office include confectionery, jewellery, greeting cards and stationery, Facsimile Services and Photocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location: Gumdale is an outer suburb of Brisbane. It is 14 kilometres east of the CBD. The average property size in Gumdale is approximately between 5,000 m2 10,000 m2 making Gumdale consist mostly of acreages. However, access to Brisbane city is only 15 to 20 minutes away by car. Gumdale has several new development sites consisting of less than 5 of housing, the other 95 are acreages. It is Brisbanersquos nearest acreage suburb to the CBD. Over a period of time small residential blocks will replace acreage blocks increasing the arearsquos population. As a result of this, more small businesses will open in the nearby suburbs. Gumdale creates interest to homeowners and business operators because of its close proximity to the CBD and Moreton Bay. The Gumdale Post Office is situated next to the Gumdale State School, which is rapidly growing with over 900 children currently enrolled. With the newly built Childcare Centre behind the Post Office, with approval for 120 children, the Gumdale Post Office is ideally situated for continued growth. Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Post Office 2 Terminals, 2 Person operation (QLD) Outer Suburb of Brisbane Approx. 14 km East of CBD. The Shop: Modern Australia Post Fit Out, bright and spacious one large front counter. The rear of shop has a convenient working area, and good storage plus mail sorting section for Private Boxes. Within the retail area there is plenty of bench working areas for customers as well as parking in the shopping complex. The Business: Open Monday to Wednesday 8:30am - 5:00pm, Thursday and Friday 8:30am 6:00pm closed Saturday and Sunday. The Post Office is equipped with (2) Epos terminal, (2) Barcode Scanner and (2) Label Printers. There are currently 488 private boxes installed with 58 are yet to be occupied. This business can be operated very comfortably by 2 people maximum. Ideal for a husband and wife team. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides most Australia Post Services including Western Union Money Transfer. Product lines sold at the Post Office include confectionery, jewellery, greeting cards and stationery, banking for CBA, NAB ANZ and Westpac plus most other finance institutions. Facsimile Services and Photocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location: A suburb of Brisbane. Located 8 kilometres from the Brisbane central business district. This suburb is part of the northwestern suburbs. It is a growing suburb with many Queenslander style houses and leafy streets. The area is quite hilly and most of the suburb is on a north-facing slope. This suburb is an area with a long history that is now filled with many shops, schools and facilities, such as the Brookside Shopping Centre. This suburb is also home to many sporting teams in state competition. Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Clayfield Post Office, 2 Terminal, 2 Operation (QLD ) AGREED SALE Approximately 10 Minutes Drive Brisbane Airport. The Shop: The shop is very spacious, bright and clean, with plenty of space to store parcels, with one good size counter. The shop is equipped with two Australia Post Epos machines. A fit-out was completed in 2017 to Australia Post requirements and no further updates have been requested. The Post Office is located in a very busy street surrounded by various businesses, and is next to the Clayfield train station. There is very generous parking around the shop. The Business . Open Monday to Friday 9:00am 5:00pm closed Saturday and Sunday. The Post Office is equipped with (2) Epos terminals, (2) Barcode Scanners and (2) Label Printers. One Australia Post Passport Photos Camera. There are currently 620 private boxes installed almost all occupied. This business can be operated very comfortably by 2 people maximum. Ideal for a husband and wife team. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides most Australia Post Services including New Passports amp Passport Renewals. Western Union Money Transfer. Product lines sold at the Post Office include confectionery, greeting cards and stationery, Facsimile Services and Photocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. Opportunities: Huge growth due to major residential apartments homes plus many other developments within walking distance of the Post Office. Other retail shops attract many potential customers. Expand account customers, and sales. Introduce other product lines. Community engagement as a service provider. Increasing population rapidly. Significant increases with handling of parcels as of July 2018. Many other increases in commission payments to the LPOrsquos are being negotiated at the moment, to be implemented and effective within the next 12 months at the very latest. The Location: Clayfield is an inner northern suburb of the City of Brisbane, Queensland. It is approximately 7 kilometres from the Brisbane CBD. Clayfield is bordered to the north by Nundah, to the east by Ascot and Hendra, to the west by Wooloowin and to the south by Albion. Clayfield is an affluent suburb with a mix of standalone homes and multi-dwelling blocks. It is the home to some of the best Girlsrsquo Colleges in Brisbane and has a number of heritage-listed sites. In the 2017 census, Clayfield recorded a population of 10,006 people. Clayfield is served by bus and train services from the nearby Clayfield and Eagle Junction railway stations. Along the capital road (Alexandra Road), a canopy of Poinciana and oak trees produce a lsquoNew Englandrsquo canopy effect. Net income approximately 205,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Port Douglas Post Office, 3 Terminals (QLD ) A rare opportunity to purchase this Very Lucrative Licensed Post Office. The Shop . Is bright, clean, purpose built amp fitted out to Australia Post requirements amp specifications. There is a long lease in place to 2023. This LPO displays a selection of Australia Post products amp a vast range of other products including postcards, photos amp tourist souvenirs a lot of which are locally sourced. The shop is spacious with room to introduce other products with some minor layout modifications. The back of the shop has dedicated areas for mail sorting, contract mail amp parcel contractors as well as stock storage amp kitchen facilities. The Business: The LPO open Monday to Friday 8:30am 5:00pm amp Saturday morning 9am-12pm. The office is equipped with one good size counter 3 Epos terminals, 3 Barcode Scanners amp 3 Label Printers. There are 1,170 private post boxes installed which are over 90 let as well as a further 2,575 postal delivery points for Mail Management fees. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all Australia Post Services available to Licensed Post Offices including: general banking, money orders, Western Union, ID checks amp bill payment etc. The yearly income has a very secure element with over 30 from the PO Box leases amp mail management fees. Opportunities: The local population is increasing amp there is also strong growth due to improving tourist numbers leading to more people patronising the Post Office. Other local retailers have a solid presence in the town as well as at the renowned Sunday markets. The town produces solid internet sales which offer the opportunity to expand account customers, product lines amp sales. There is also the scope to introduce other product lines. Significant increases with handling of parcels has occurred in recent years. Other increases in commission payments to the LPOs are being negotiated at the moment, to be implemented and effective within the next 12 months at the very latest. Australia Post also continues to consolidate amp further invest in the domestic amp international parcel supply chains. Tourism: Port Douglas is also in line to benefit from the current resurgence in local amp international tourism as well as the predicted boom in tourism from China amp other Asian sources. Recently the Hong Kong amp Shanghai Bank off the back of the Tourism 2020 Report indicated that Mainland Chinese could make up 20 of all short term arrivals, who were expected to spend an estimated 13b which is substantially above the figure of 9.0b predicted in 2017 when the report was originally commissioned amp released. The Location: Port Douglas offers a true lifestyle change. The towns commercial centre is flourishing again amp is home to a renowned selection of great restaurants and cafes (reportedly over 80) - a food lovers haven. Port Douglas is a Coastal town in Far North Queensland, Australia, approximately 70 km (40 mi) north of Cairns. Education to Year 12 available. It is the entry point to two World Heritage Tourist attractions - the Great Barrier Reef amp the Daintree Rain Forrest Cape Tribulation National Parks. The towns population markedly increases during Australian school holiday periods, the peak international tourist season amp in winter as visitors look to escape the southern climate. With the projected strengthening in tourism numbers, a lower Aussie dollar as well as projected relative increases in Chinese Asian tourism this business is only going to expand. Net income approximately 240,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Well presented 3 terminal Licensed Post Office approximately 37 kilometres north of Brisbane CBD The Business: Open Monday to Friday 7:30am 5:00pm amp 8:30am to 11:am Saturday equipped with one good sized counter three Epos machines, three bar scanners three label printers and one Australia Post Camera. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Sales and Services passports and passport renewals, 100 point Identification check, ID Tax file numbers. The income is very secure and increasing annually. - Excellent presentation of Australia Post Products and other items including, stationery, gifts, greeting cards and more. - Services within include bill payments, photocopy amp faxes, banking, as well as passport processing. - 630 P. O. Boxes of which 550 are currently leased. - Long lease in place. - Situated in suburbs main shopping hub, adjacent railway station - stores include IGA supermarket, Subway, cafs, butchers, real estate, library and is close to the chemist, doctor amp dentist. - Customers range from surrounding business to local residents. - Excellent husbandwife business or partnership. Net income approximately 190,000 An inner city suburb of QLD, approx. 4 kms north-west of the Brisbane CBD The Shop: A lock-up shop within a boutique shopping precinct adjoining other major supporting shops. There is a good lease in place with 4 years to run with 2 further options of 5 years each, making a total of 14 years. The current term has an attractive annual CPI rent review. The Post Office displays most Australia Post products and a vast mix of complementary products. The shop is in excellent condition with easy access and ample parking on site. In addition there is office space amp extensive storage in the P. O. Box enclosure. The Business: Open Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm and offers early parcel collection from 7.00am. There is one counter and the Post Office is equipped with (3) Epos terminal, (3) Barcode Scanners, (3) Label Printers, (3) Electric Cash Drawers and one approved Passport Camera. There are currently 1,061 private boxes installed with 77 occupancy. Mail sorting can be managed by one individual 3 hours a day. This business can be operated very comfortably by 2.5-3 people maximum (inclusive of mail sorter). Ideal for a husband amp wife team or a great family business. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services including New Passports, Passport renewals, Western Union Money Transfer, Money Orders, Identity Services, Photographs, Greeting Cards, Facsimile Services and Photocopy Services, etc. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location: Ashgrove is an inner suburb in the City of Brisbane in Queensland. It is located approximately 4 kilometres north-west of the Brisbane CBD. Ashgrove is an upmarket, leafy residential suburb, characterised by its hilly terrain. While many of the surrounding suburbs have seen an increase in the number of residential apartments built in the past decade, Ashgrove remains predominantly a suburb of detached single dwelling houses, with many old Queenslander homes in the area. Ashgrove has a number of heritage-listed sites. The suburb contains a variety of multi-cultural restaurants (Thai, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Modern Australian), numerous cafes, various shopping amenities (including Coles, Aldi and Woolworths supermarkets) and a public library. Local schools are Ashgrove State School, Mater Dei Catholic Primary School, St Finbarrs Primary School, St Josephs Primary School, Ithaca Creek State School, Marist College and Mt St Michaels College (all holding P. O Boxes). Ashgrove is serviced by multiple council buses running into the central business district. Ashgrove is also a stop on the route of the cross-town Great Circle Line which links the four major shopping malls of Brisbane. Net income approximately 290,000 per annum Major tri level shopping centre, reasonable rent, heaps of parking The Post Office: Trading in its current location for many years, fitted out to Australia Post requirements and specifications. Fixtures and fittings from the front door to the private boxes sorting area. The shop is large with room to introduce other products. This shop has a strong and loyal local client base. Exceptional lease: 10years remaining 2 increases per annum. The Business: Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm. Thursday 9:00am to 5:30pm and Saturday 9:00am to 12:00pm. Equipped with one good size counter with 4 Epos machines, 4 bar scanners and 4 label printers. Currently there are 496 private post boxes installed with 373 occupied. When all boxes are let the income will increase by a minimum of 15,000 per annum. Perfect for a husband and wife team or for a family business. Services Provided: This Licensed Post offers a very important and profitable service to the public such as. Passports, renewal of Passports, Working with Children, 100 (one) point ID check and photos, Western Union Money Transfer, Greeting Cards, Facsimile Services and Photocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. Opportunities . Introduce additional products Promote Passport service, Working with children, promote 100 point ID checks and photos. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Redbank, once a village and now an eastern suburb of Ipswich, is on the Brisbane to Ipswich railway line and is 22 km south-west of central Brisbane. It is close to the Brisbane River, opposite Moggill. By the mid-1960s the expansion of urban Ipswich to Redbank was underway, beginning with the Greenacres Estate. Several other estate subdivisions followed. In 1985 the Redbank Plaza drive-in shopping centre opened. It has discount department stores and about 100 other shops. Redbank is a mixture of high, medium to low income earners with a large immigrant population. There are Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Schools in the area. Net income approximately 200,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 The shop is spacious with room to introduce other products. This shop has a strong and loyal local client base. The Business: Open Monday to Friday8:30am-5:00pm and Saturday morning 8:30am to 11:30am. Equipped with one good size counter with 2 Epos machines, 2 bar scanners and 2 label printers. Currently there are 295 with 96 vacant. 105 post boxes were installed in January 2018. When all boxes are let the income will increase by a minimum of 10,500 per annum. Perfect for a husband and wife team or for a family business. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services including Western Union Money Transfer, Facsimile Services and Photocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Kingston is a suburb of Logan City, Queensland. It is situated 24 kms from Brisbane GPO. Kingston is a predominantly residential suburb, with a low mix of commercial and retail areas. At the 2017 Australian Census the suburb recorded a population of 10,184. The suburb is bounded in the south by Scrubby Creek, a tributary of the Logan River. It is the home of the Kingston Butter Factory, which now operates as a community arts centre and houses a theatre, arts and crafts stall and museum. Opposite the Post Office is the Kingston Butter Factory, a Sporting Complex and Service Station. Kingston railway station provides access to regular Queensland Rail City network services to Brisbane and Beenleigh. There are five schools located in Kingston Kingston College, Kingston State School, Burrows State School, Berrinba State School and Groves State High School. Opportunities: Introduce additional products, promote Passport service, Working with Children 100 point IDchecks and photos. Net income approximately 135,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Salisbury East is approx. 10km South of Brisbane CBD. The Shop: Is spacious bright and clean, fitted-out to Australia Post requirements. No refurbishment is required at this stage. The Business: The Business: Open Monday to Friday 8:30am-5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am11:00am. There is one counter and the Post Office is equipped with (2) Epos terminals, (2) Barcode Scanners and (2) Label Printers. There are currently 186 boxes installed, mostly occupied. This business can be operated most of the time by one person and very comfortably by 2 people maximum. Ideal for a husband and wife team business. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services including Western Union Money Transfer, Facsimile Services and Photocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Salisbury East is 9.6 km South of Brisbane CBD. It is an established residential and industrial area, with substantial parklands in the north. The area is undergoing change and renewal with many families seeking to make it their home. Major features in the area include Toohey Forest, Toohey Mountain, The Construction Training Centre, Skills-Tech Australia (Salisbury Campus), Russ Hall Park and a number of local schools, shops, aged care facilities, clubs and sporting facilities. Salisbury railway station provides access to regular Queensland Rail City network services to Brisbane and Beenleigh. Opportunities: Introduce additional products, promote passport service, Working with Children 100 point IDchecks and photos. Net income approximately 80,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 A Great Opportunity To Purchase This Unique LPO. The Shop: Is spacious bright and clean fitted out to Australia Post requirements. No refurbishment is required at this stage. The Business: The Business: Open Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am 12:00pm. There is one counter and the Post Office is equipped with (3) Epos terminals, (3) Barcode Scanners, (3) Label Printers and (1) Australia Post Camera, (1) Identity Scanner. There are currently 534 boxes installed with 85 occupancy. This business can be operated very comfortably by 2 people maximum. Ideal for a husband and wife team business. Services Provided. This Licensed Post Office is unique in that it processes all the services offered by the large corporate offices such as New Passports, Passport Renewals and Extended Identity Services which include Tax File Number Applications and interstate Land Title Transfers. This Licensed Post Office also provides all normal Australia Post Services such as Western Union Money Transfer, Bank at Post, Billpay and FacsimilePhotocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. Advantages : As this LPO is one of the very few LPOS in QLD especially on the Sunshine Coast that has the full compliment of Australia Post Services which are only offered by Corporate offices, this is a great advantage to promote such services and increase sales and foot traffic within this LPO. The Location amp Supporting Benefits : A suburb of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, on the central Sunshine Coast. It forms part of the Maroochydore urban centre, and is located north of Maroochydore CBD via Sunshine Motorway. Maroochydore is a major commercial area of the Sunshine Coast with most shopping precincts located in the CBD. It is a popular holiday point from which to travel the rest of Queensland. Opportunities : Introduce additional products: Promote passport services, Working with Children, promote 100 point ID checks and photos. Australia Post identifies this is an area where Australia Post will continue to grow. Net income approximately 265,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Approximately 21 kilometres north-west of Brisbane. The Shop: The shop is very spacious, bright and clean, with plenty of space to store parcels, with one good size counter. A fit-out was completed in 2017 to Australia Post requirements and no further updates have been requested. There is very generous parking around the shop. The Business : The Business: Open Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm. There is one counter and the Post Office is equipped with (2) Epos terminals plus (1) Back Office Epos Terminal (2) Barcode Scanners, (1) Label Printers and (1) Australia Post Camera. There are currently 960 boxes installed with 95 occupancy. This business can be operated very comfortably by 2 people maximum. Services Provided : This Licensed Post Office is unique in that it processes all the services offered by the large corporate offices such as New Passports, Passport Renewals and Extended Identity Services which include Tax File Number Applications and interstate Land Title Transfers. The Location amp Supporting Benefits : Is a community located in South East Queensland, which comprises Samford Village and Samford Valley. It is roughly 21 kilometres north-west of Brisbane. The hilly area was first settled in the mid-1850. The area is very popular with cyclists. Access to Samford from Brisbane is via Samford Road through Samford State Forest. Samford Village contains a mix of historical buildings, restaurants, shops and services. Samfordrsquos heritage as a village servicing farming communities is apparent from the facilities which include an equipment hire business, hardware and produce stores, as well as banking, shopping, medical, chiropractic, fitness, legal and accounting. Opportunities: Introduce additional products: Promote passport services, Working with Children, promote 100 point ID checks Verifications and photos, Identity Verification FormRequest Instant passport amp ID photos, Land Title ID Check, Licence to perform high risk work NSW (New and Renewal)Licence to perform high risk work QLD (F1)Melbourne Cricket Club Membership Services and many more Identity amp document services Australia Post identifies this is an area where Australia Post will continue to grow. Asking Price Options:- OPTION 1 Business only (Leasehold rent at approx. 674.00 pw) Net income approximately 281,000 after Rental of 35,000 per annum. Lease offered 5x5x5 total of 15years BUSINESS ONLY: 995,000 Stock: 50,000 approx. OPTION 2 Business and Freehold. Net income approximately 316,000 per annum FREEHOLD: 500,000 BUSINESS . 995,000 Stock: 50,000 approx. Please see Option 1 amp 2 Above Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Moranbah Licensed Post Office, 4 Terminals, Ex Australia Post Office (QLD) NEW This would have to be one of the best values for money in QLD. A must see. The Shop: Well presented, purpose built and fitted out to Australia Post requirements and specifications. The shop is large with room to introduce other products. The back of the shop consists of a spacious mail sorting area, office and toilet facilities. The Business: The Business: Open Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am 12:00pm. There is one counter and the Post Office is equipped with (4) Epos terminals, (4) Barcode Scanners, (3) Label Printers. (3) Electric Cash Drawers, (1) Australia Post Camera and (1) Identity Scanner. There are currently 876 boxes installed with 90 occupancy. This business can be operated very comfortably by 2 people plus 2 part-time casuals. Ideal for a husband and wife team and or family business. Services Provided. This Licensed Post Office is unique in that it processes all the services offered by the large corporate offices such as New Passports, Passport Renewals and Extended Identity Services which include Tax File Number Applications and interstate Land Title Transfers. This Licensed Post Office also provides all normal Australia Post Services such as Western Union Money Transfer, Bank at Post, Bill pay and FacsimilePhotocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. Advantages: As this LPO is one of the very few LPOS in QLD especially on Moranbah that has the full compliment of Australia Post Services which are only offered by Corporate offices, this is a great advantage to promote such services and increase sales and foot traffic within this LPO as there is approximately 20,000 population strong in the town and Moranbah is the only Post Office. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: This lucrative LPO is located in a thriving shopping area in a prominent position, in the increasingly popular regional town of Moranbah, located 194 km south west of Mackay. The township is surrounded by numerous coal mines. This post office is considered to be a large LPO in a fast developing, strong and sought after town of Queensland, and there is a growing population of approximately 20,000, with a further 1,500 homes to be built. Moranbah has a hospital, an airport that offers flights to and from Brisbane and Townsville daily, a good variety of shopping options, two primary schools and one high school, numerous motels and caravan parks and accommodation villages. Opportunities: Introduce additional products: Promote passport services, Working with Children, promote 100 point ID checks and photos. Australia Post identifies this is an area where Australia Post will continue to grow. Net income approximately 190,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 If you are looking for a tree Change this would have to be the most Perfect Spot to enjoy life and have a good living. The Shop: The shop is well presented, well stocked with proper presentation of Australia Post products as well as greeting cards, stationery and other products. The rear of shop has a good working area with plenty of storage and office area there is also a toilet and small kitchenette. The Business : Open Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm. There is one counter and the Post Office is equipped with (1) Epos terminal, (1) Barcode Scanner, and (1) Label Printer. There are currently 327 private boxes installed with 95 occupancy. This business can be operated very comfortably by 1 person. Services Provided : This Licensed Post Office also provides all normal Australia Post Services such as Western Union Money Transfer, Bank at Post, Bill pay and FacsimilePhotocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. Advantages : The Licensed Post Office is a monopoly business that is showing strong and continuous growth, particularly in the areas of banking and agency work. Growth and profitability is expected to continue. As there many other Australia Post Services there is a great advantage to promote such services and increase sales and foot traffic within this LPO. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: This is a beautiful hinterland town on the Sunshine Coast situated only a short drive to the ever so popular Maroochydore (approximately 20 Km) and Noosa (approximately 43 Km). The Township is a beautiful, peaceful town and comprises of the LPO, a General StoreNewsagency, Hairdresser, Real Estate Agency, two coffee shops, Primary School, Train Station and Fire station. Grocery Stores, Banking Services and other Retailers are close by either in Palmwoods or Mooloolah which are both approximately five kilometres away, North amp South of the village. The train station has bus services as well the train is on the Brisbane line and bus services are useful for children travelling to nearby High Schools. The village has a magic country feel, very pleasant, and is close by to Major towns and popular tourist destinations such as Maroochydore amp Noosa Heads not to mention the pristine Sunshine Coast Beaches. With such a wonderful location this LPO offers an excellent Lifestyle opportunity for a HusbandWife Team, Partnership or Semi-Retired Couple Net income approximately 80,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Deeragun LPO - Perfect Seachange Business (QLD) NEW The Shop: The Post Office was relocated in 2017 to a purpose-built shop in the new Coles Deeragun Village shopping centre. The shop is very spacious, bright and clean. There are ten shops in the Centre which include a gymnasium, hairdresser, newsagent, bottle shop, optometrist, Chinese takeaway shop, caf and nail salon. Now there also is a new Coles Express service stationHungry Jacks restaurant and Drive Through. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 8:30am-5:00pm and Saturdays 9:00am 12:00pm. There is one counter and the Post Office is equipped with (3) Epos terminals, (3) Barcode Scanners, (3) Label Printers and (1) Passport Photo Camera. There are currently 732 private boxes installed with 94 occupancy. This business can be operated very comfortably by a husband and wife team with one part time casual person. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services such as Western Union Money Transfer, Bank at Post, Bill pay and FacsimilePhotocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. Advantages: The Licensed Post Office is a monopoly business that is showing strong and continuous growth, particularly in the areas of banking and agency work. Growth and profitability is expected to continue. As there many other Australia Post Services there is a great advantage to promote such services and increase sales and foot traffic within this LPO. Opportunities: Introduce additional products apply to Australia Post for new passport service. Working with children, promote 100 point ID checks and photos, extend trading hours. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Deeragun is an outer suburb of Townsville in Queensland, located approximately 16.5 kilometres west of the Townsville CBD. Deeragun is mainly a residential and rural-residential suburb characterised by the hill at Innes Estate and the Saunders Creek nature strip. The Bruce Highway borders Deeragun to the north and Hermit Park Bus Service connects Deeragun with Townsville by providing a direct bus route to the Aitkenvale and Townsville CBD bus exchanges. Deeragun is approximately 13.5 kilometres from Townsville Airport. Net income approximately 230,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Pleasant Country Town Situated on the banks of the Flinders River. The Shop: The shop is very neat, bright and clean, with one good size counter. The Post Office is a very secure, monopoly type business and the working conditions are pleasant. A Security System is fitted and there is Wheelchair access to the Post Office. The property: A spacious solid building with ample room to convert part of the building to a two-three bedroom dwelling. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm. Equipped with (2) Epos terminals, (2) Barcode Scanners, (2) Label Printers (2) Electric Cash Drawers and (1) Australia Post Passport Photo Camera. There are currently 398 private boxes installed with 80 occupancy. This business can be operated very comfortably by a husband and wife team. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services including Passports and Passport renewals, Western Union Money Transfer, Bank at Post, Bill pay and FacsimilePhotocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. Opportunities: Introduce additional products Working with children, promote 100 point ID checks and photos, extend trading hours. Promote Newsletter Advertising. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Hughenden is a town in Queensland, situated on the banks of the Flinders River. It is located on the Flinders Highway, 383 kilometres west of Townsville, 523 kilometres from Mount Isa and 1,438 kilometres north-west of Brisbane. Hughenden is the major centre of the Flinders Shire and the region around Hughenden is a key centre for the grazing of sheep and cattle. Hughenden has four National Parks, gem fields, mountainous volcanic basalt country, sweeping black soil plains and rich fossil and dinosaur areas. The facilities include a visitor information centre, library, showground, shire hall, and racecourse. Hughenden has a large range of sports on offer including pony clubs, swimming, lawn bowls, golf, netball, tennis, camp drafting, rugby league and gymnastics. Shops and small businesses in the area include Supermarkets, Chemist, Newsagent, Real Estate Agent, Agricultural Supplies, Pubs, Motel, Caravan Park, Cafes and Bakery. There is an airport in Hughenden. Net income approximately 175,000 per annum Business: 200,000 SAV (30,000) Property 225,000 Total Price: 425,000 SAV (30,000) Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Australias best kept holiday secret, boasting fantastic fishing, amazing country adventures and national parks. The Shop: The shop is very neat, spacious, bright and clean, with one good size counter. The Post Office is a very secure, monopoly type business and the working conditions are pleasant. A Security System is fitted and there is wheelchair access to the Post Office. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am to 12:00pm - Equipped with (3) Epos terminals, (3) Barcode Scanners, (3) Label Printers. There are currently 455 private boxes installed, all occupied. This business can be operated very comfortably by a husband amp wife team with one or two casual part - timers when required. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides most normal Australia Post Services, Western Union Money Transfer, Bank at Post, Billpay and FacsimilePhotocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. Opportunities: Introduce additional products, Working with Children, promote 100 point ID checks, apply for Passports and Trusted Services, extend trading hours. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Kin Kora is a suburb in the Gladstone Region, Queensland. Gladstone is a unique region of Queensland, developed on hills and overlooking the focal point of its economic development, the natural deep water harbour. Approximately 500km north of Brisbane. The industrial progress of the Gladstone area represents one of Australias development success stories growing dramatically in the last 20 years to become a dynamic, modern city with further development proposed. Aside from its industrial success, Gladstone has managed to retain its charm as a coastal city with an enviable lifestyle. It presents a great opportunity for a business to succeed as the area continues to prosper from the mining boom and population growth is expected. Gladstone has developed rapidly in response to a number of factors including periods of city growth, seaside location and tourist accommodation. Growth in the area over the last 5 to 10 years is attributed to an increase in major industry. The LNG project is a great opportunity for business owners in the area, as it will bring an influx of people to the area with 6,000 jobs being created and 500 houses being built in the next 12-18 months. Net income approximately 177,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Brisbane Suburbs Post Office - 2 Terminals, 5 days per week (QLD) NEW Approximately 24 kilometres North of Brisbane and 12 kilometres west - Sea Side. Ideal for boating and fishing enthusiasts. The Shop: Professionally presented Post Office with modern Australia Post Fit Out, bright and spacious with one large counter. The Post Office is a very secure, monopoly type business and the working conditions are pleasant. A Security System is fitted and there is wheelchair access to the Post Office. The Business: Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday amp Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm and Thursday 9:00am to 7:00pm Closed on Saturday and Sunday - Equipped with (2) Epos terminals, (2) Barcode Scanners, (2) Label Printers. There are currently 530 private boxes installed, 302 occupied. This business can be operated very comfortably by a husband amp wife team. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides most normal Australia Post Services, Western Union Money Transfer, and Bank at Post, Bill pay and FacsimilePhotocopy Services. The income is very consistent and increasing annually Opportunities: Introduce additional products, Working with Children, promote 100 point ID checks, and apply for Passports and Trusted Services, work to have the empty private boxes all occupied, extend trading hours. The Location amp Supporting Benefits . Conveniently located only a short drive to Brisbane CBD Approximately 24 kilometres north of Brisbane and 12 kilometres west of the Sea Side - for boating and fishing enthusiasts. Lawnton is a pleasant Suburb of Brisbane with all amenities available - shopping, schooling, professional, transport and sporting ideal for families moving into the area. Net income approximately 145,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 This Newsagency and Post operates seven days a week but has no paper deliveries. The Licensed Post Office is equipped with a three terminal Australia Post counter with full EPOS technology. The shop is large with plenty of room to introduce many other products, as well as vehicle access. This News and Post is well positioned on the fringe of Launcestons CBD and has easy access from the busiest intersection in Launceston. In addition to the passing traffic, the shop enjoys a high volume of pedestrians given its location in the shopping complex - which includes a food hall, Subway, bakery, Tote and Petrol station. The current owners have only focused mainly on the domestic postal market, but there is an untapped potential in the business sector. With enthusiastic new owners, the business has the capability to expand into this market, especially due to its location, its vehicle access to the property, and its extended operating hours. This Post Office amp Newsagency is ideal for a couple, partnership or family business. Two people can comfortably run this Post Office together with 1 full time staff member and casual staff. The present owners believe that an enthusiastic family coming into the business could take this business to a much higher level of income, especially as it is Launcestons only after hours postal service. The benefits from this service have proved considerable to the current owners and the business continues to thrive from being recognised for offering these hours. There is a large solid customer base and a very stable clientele, including account customers with no bad debt problems. This News and Post has a reputation for its high level of customer service with the business enjoying customers that travel from outer suburbs of Launceston in recognition of this. An inspection of this business is very highly recommended. Net Income Approximately - 230,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Blackmans Bay Post-News and Tattersalls AGREED SALE A Delightful Beachside Suburb of Hobart The Shop: Spacious, purpose built and fitted out to Australia Post state of the art requirements and specifications. A very secure lease is in place. The shop is large with room to introduce other products, the rear consists of an office and toilet facilities. The Business: Open Monday to Sunday 6am-6pm, Sunday 7am-12noon. Equipped with one good sized counter and two Epos machines, two scanners, one label printer. There are 200 private post boxes installed, mostly all of which are occupied. There is one Tattersallrsquos terminal and one electronic till serving the Newsagency. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services plus a full newsagency and Tattersallrsquos. The sales of Post Office products is profitable and the owners believe there is scope to increase this turnover and in other areas by capitalising on presentation, introducing more merchandise, and continuing to focus on high quality, friendly customer service. There is opportunity for further marketing to promote the business and the many facilities it has to offer. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: The location is appealing and in a very popular, upmarket area, the business is situated in a conspicuous position in the shopping complex which has an excellent diversity of shops and services. There is a substantial traffic flow, both pedestrian and vehicular and also attracts the many tourists who come here. The area is also benefiting from new and modified building works which are increasing the population. There is ample space set aside for parking. Customers are constant and a ldquovillagerdquo type atmosphere exists. Net income approximately 243,000 per annum Price NOW: 550,000 SAV (80,000 approx) Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Stand Alone LPO, 1 Terminal, 5 Days Per Week (TAS) Well-established business situated in Strahan, this small town and former port on the west coast of Tasmania is now a significant locality for tourism in the region. Strahan Harbour and Risby Cove form part of the north-east end of Long Bay on the northern end of Macquarie Harbour. There are many amenities in the town and adjoining nearby areas. The location is perfect for those wanting to escape the rat race. The shop is bright and spacious, well-equipped with one terminal, one barcode scanner and one label printer. There is also a great diversity of sale items ranging from Australia Post products, stationery, gifts, etc. Services include bill payments, photocopyfaxes, banking, plus many more. There are currently 224 private boxes - 200 small, 16 medium and 8 large, of which all are leased. There is a waiting list for vacancies and there is room to install more P. O. boxes. This Post Office offers a wonderful lifestyle opportunity business hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm. Net income approximately 70,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Freehold LPO with 3 BR Residence. 1 Terminal, 5 days PW (TAS) Geeveston - 62 km South West of Hobart Tasmania rare opportunity to acquire this unique business and property. The Shop: Is very spacious, bright and clean, with one good size counter. A Security System is fitted and a Disability Access Ramp was installed in 2017.The Post Office is a very secure, monopoly type business and the working conditions are pleasant. The property: includes a fully renovated residence with 3 bedrooms and a study. Rental income is also derived from an adjoining shop. Plant and equipment included in the sale are CCTV-Alarm System, Electronic Scales, Heat Pump, Photocopier, Fax Machine, Desks, Mail Sorting Equipment, Shelving and Window amp Door Blinds. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm and is equipped with one good size counter containing one Epos machine, one bar scanner and one label printer. Currently there are 414 private post boxes installed with no vacancy and a waiting list. There is ample room to install additional private boxes. The post office can be opened Saturday mornings which would increase income significantly. The Post Office also houses one Mail Contractor. Product lines sold at the Post Office include homewares. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services except for passports. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Geeveston is a small Australian town in the south of Tasmania on the Huon River, 62 km south west of Hobart, making it Australias most southerly administrative centre. Geeveston is on the Huon Highway and is the gateway to the Hartz Mountains National Park. It is the centre of Tasmanias apple and fruit-growing industry as well as forestry and aquaculture industries. The population of the area is approximately 1,430. Geeveston is a popular tourist destination with 80,000 visitors annually to the region to visit the Tahune Air Walk and the Hartz Mountains National Park. Geeveston has a Bowls Club, Football Club, RSL, Yacht Clubs, Indoor Sports Centre, Library, Community Centre, Town Hall and a Heritage Park. Shops and businesses in the area include a Doctors Surgery, Chemist, IGA, Hardware, Bendigo Bank, Police Station, Childcare Centre, BP Service Station, Takeaway, Bakery, Caf, ATM, Visitors Centre and Bed amp Breakfast Accommodation. Net income approximately 104,000 per annum Business: 230,000 SAV Freehold: 330,000 Total Price: 560,000 SAV (15,000) Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Stand Alone LPO, 1 Terminal, 5 Days Per Week (TAS) Post stand alone, one terminal, electronic office located in a highly populated residential, business and commercial area within a brisk walking distance to Hobart. This is a classified historic village, nestled in amongst some of Hobarts greatest charms and among Tasmanias major attractions. This unique Post Office offers a wonderful way of life, offering an excellent income for a family or a semi-retired couple wanting something to do. This Post Office has a lot of untapped growth opportunities that can be explored to further increase the income. Picturesque setting in heritage area, with lovely parks and gardens nearby. Walking distance to City, the famous Salamanca Markets and the popular suburb of Sandy Bay. Close to Constitution Dock and many art galleries, shops and museums on the waterfront. There are many amenities in the town and adjoining nearby areas. The location is perfect for those wanting to escape the hustle and bustle. The shop is bright and spacious, well-equipped with one terminal, one barcode scanner and one label printer. There is also a great diversity of sale items ranging from Australia Post products, stationery, gifts, etc. Services include bill payments, photocopyfaxes, banking, plus many more. There are currently 218 private boxes - 162 small, 44 medium and 12 large, of which all are leased. There is a waiting list for vacancies and there is room to install more P. O. boxes. This Post Office offers a wonderful lifestyle opportunity business hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm and 8:00am 12:00pm The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Post stand alone, one terminal, electronic office located in a highly populated residential, business and commercial area within a brisk walking distance to Hobart. This is a classified historic village, nestled in amongst some of Hobarts greatest charms and among Tasmanias major attractions. This unique Post Office offers a wonderful way of life, offering an excellent income for a young family or a semi-retired couple wanting something to do. This Post Office has a lot of untapped growth opportunities that can be explored to further increase the income. Picturesque setting in heritage area, with lovely parks and gardens nearby. Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 LPO 5 12 Days PW. Ideal Family Business (TAS) NEW First to see will buy. this is our Post Office of the Year Located in a popular suburb close to all facilities, this would have to be one of the best LPOs in Tasmania. This is a very well-established business that has been experiencing consistent growth. Equipped with three Australia Post terminals, 300 Private Boxes installed, with 80 occupancy. (Potential to install between 50-100 more boxes, subject to Australia Post approval). Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post services including: Passports, renewal of passports, Working with Children, 100 (one) point IDcheck, photos, Western Union money transfer, etc. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. Income: Strong Lipoms-Australia Post Commission Statements 158,000. With the increase in parcels and other services the commissions will increase substantially. Product sales 267,000 lots of natural growth. Public transport at the front door. Completely renovated with a new shop fit-out to Australia Post specifications. This Post Office is ideally suited to a family or partnership operation. Inspection of this business is highly recommended. Vendors request that inspection of this business is strictly by appointment only. No address or information will be provided until a Confidentiality Agreement is signed. Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Freehold LPO With 3BR Residence - 1 Terminal, 5 Days PW, Ideal Family Business (TAS) NEW Situated 120 kms from Hobart and 80 kms from Launceston this unique business and property is located in the historic village of Ross, a very popular Tasmanian stopping point for tourists. The Shop . Is very spacious, bright and clean, with a good size counter. The Post Office is a very secure, monopoly type business and the working conditions are pleasant. Constructed in 1889 as a purpose built post office and residence, it was one of four such buildings built to that particular design in Tasmania around that time. The property: includes a magnificent residence with three large bedrooms loungedining room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and sun room. The bedrooms and loungedining room are contained within the original sandstone structure which features a colonial design with 15 high ceilings. There are wood heater fire places in the post office and the loungedining room. Gas heating is also available in the loungedining area and the kitchen. Plant and equipment included in the sale are . Electronic Scales, Mechanical Scales, Photocopier, PhoneFax Machine, Desks, Filing Cabinet, Mail Sorting Equipment, Shelving, Honda Super Cub NBC110 motorcycle, and a Honda CT110 motorcycle. The Business: Official opening times are Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm. The post office can also be opened on weekends which is particularly beneficial to income during the busy tourist season between October and April. It is equipped with a good size counter containing one Epos terminal, one bar scanner, two hand-held scanners, cheque reader, receipt printer and label printer. There are 40 private post boxes all of which are currently occupied. Product lines sold at the Post Office include a wide variety of gifts, souvenirs and stationary. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post Services except for passports. There are two mail delivery contracts that are currently operated from the post office. This post office is also currently under contract to the Northern Midlands Council to manage hire bookings of Council facilities in the village. Continuation of this contract is optional for any new licensee. The Mail Contracts: The purchaser of this business has an option of taking over the mail contracts on assignment. Mail contract (1) SMD service involves 154 delivery points and contract (2) RSD service involves 12 delivery points. The SMD takes approximately one hour to complete with delivery carried out daily on a Honda Super Cub motorcycle and the RSD is 76.2 km and takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete and is operated three days a week in a utility vehicle. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Ross is a National Trust classified Georgian village, popular with tourists for its unspoiled heritage buildings. It has a fine collection of well-preserved Georgian buildings and architecture, with most of the buildings of historic value. Net income approximately 100,000 per annum Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Beaconsfield LPO and Property - 2 Terminals, 5 Days PW (TAS) NEW West Tamar Highway, 42 kilometres NW of Launceston. The Shop: The shop is very spacious, bright and clean, with one good size counter. The shop is equipped with two Australia Post Epos machines. The Post Office was previously owned by Australia Post and has been in the same location for many years. The property: Specifically designed and built to Australia Post requirements. The Business: Open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm and is equipped with one good size counter containing two Epos machines, two bar scanners and two label printers. Currently there are 239 private post boxes installed with no vacancy and a waiting list. There is ample room to install additional private boxes. The Post Office can be opened Saturday mornings which would increase income significantly. Services Provided: This Licensed Post Office provides all normal Australia Post services including Passports, renewal of passports, Working with Children, 100 (one) point IDcheck, photos, Western Union money transfer, etc. The income is very consistent and increasing annually. The Location amp Supporting Benefits: Beaconsfield is a small gold-mining town in the heart of the Tamar Valley Wine Region with a past tinged with stories of gold, wealth and survival. Located on the western bank of the Tamar River, Beaconsfield was once Tasmaniarsquos richest gold town with a mining heritage that continues today. Beaconsfield is situated on the West Tamar Highway, 42 kilometres NW of Launceston, and 239 kilometres N of Hobart. At the 2017 census Beaconsfield had a population of 1,199. Beaconsfield has some architectural gems, including the beautiful timber Holy Trinity Church. Nearby, nature abounds at the Holwell Gorge reserve, 10km south of Beaconsfield, with tall trees, waterfalls and a scenic walking track. Shops and small businesses in the area include:- 2 IGA Supermarkets, Newsagent, Butcher Shop, Hardware Shop, Chemist, Online Centre, Doctors Surgery, Library, Bakery, Bank, Service Station, Hairdresser, School, Garden Nursery, Hotel, Heritage Accommodation, Chinese Takeaway, Pizzeria, Caf, Veterinary Surgery, 2 Old Wares Shops, 4 Churches, Tyre amp Automotive, Museum, Accountant, Real Estate, Service Tas, Retirement Village, Child Health Clinic, Private Bus Company servicing the Tamar Valley, Taxi Service, Funeral Home. Business: 295,000 SAV Property: 250,000 Price 545,000 SAV (50,000) Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088 Licensed Post Office and quotM. V. Craftsquot (TAS) NEW Historic village with a decidedly English feel The Shop: Very spacious well stocked with ample space to introduce extra stock and to conduct day-to-day operations. The retail area is bright and clean with one good size counter. There is ample storage space behind the counter. The retail area can be increased by moving the existing counter to the rear of the shop. There are approximately 50,000 customer visits that are recorded annually. New solar panels have been installed and electricity costs have been reduced to zero The Business: Stand alone equipped with one Australia Post Epos terminal, one bar scanner and one label printer. Operates 9:00am to 5:00pm 5 days a week - Saturday morning is optional. This business can be operated by two people very suitable for a husband and wife operation. Australia Post also provides payment to processsort mail, to service the 184 private boxes, to clear street mail boxes, accommodate mail contractors, display pamphlets, and so on. There is potential to increase the number of private post boxes. The current owners have experienced waiting lists from prospective customers for private boxes. Services Provided: All normal Australia Post sales and services except for passports and passport renewals, facilities available photocopying, faxes, key Cutting, laminating, greeting cards, stationery, gifts, etc. Prices are similar to Office works prices. The income is very stable and increasing annually. Located on the Bass Highway 34 km from Launceston and 64 km from Devonport. This is a classified historic town with so many historic homes that the visitor goes on a voyage of discovery - where around every corner there is a new and exciting building. This is a town with a true excess of delights. The attached home has 3 bedrooms, family room, well-appointed kitchen plus many other features. Currently the town is going through a huge growth and major developments phase which should provide excellent benefits to the new owners. The village has grown at twice the Tasmania growth rate for the past decade. It now has a population of approximately 2,200 people. Asking Price Options:- OPTION 1 Business only (Leasehold rent at 577 pw) Net income approximately 128,000 after Rental of 30,000. Lease offered 5x5x5 total of 15years BUSINESS ONLY: 390,000 plus SAV of 30,000 approx. OPTION 2 Business and Freehold. Net income approximately 158,000 per annum FREEHOLD: 450,000 BUSINESS: 390,000 plus SAV of 30,000 approx. TOTAL: 840,000 SAV Price: See Options 1 amp 2 Above Contact Nino Ruscitti email or (03) 9885 3088

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